June's Family
We reached out to Sit Happens Dog Training in December 2020 to help us with our rescue pitbull. Our dog experienced abuse and neglect before she was rescued and was a highly anxious dog. Our dog was reactive towards other dogs on walks, panicked when she see dogs behind gates, and would bark uncontrollably when packages were delivered. We needed help and Sit Happens delivered. Sit Happens taught us how to help our dog gain confidence, boundaries, and we learned how to communicate as a pack. We learned to set rules for our dog because she thrives with structure. Now, we can walk calmly past houses with dogs without our dog making a scene or stressing us out. We learned about how high value treats help dogs focus on the task rather than the background action. Additionally, we learned a routine to help our dog settle in before guests arrived, no more jumping on guests or charging out the door. Most importantly, Sit Happens has helped us grow as a pack and accept our beautiful pitbull as she is and value all her strengths rather than focusing on her bad habits. Sit Happens has also shown us how to be strong and confident pit bull owners and to celebrate all our dogs wins. Our dog especially loves Sit Happens and gets so happy to see her teacher. Rescuing our pit bull is the best decision we've ever made and reaching out to Sit Happens Dog Training is a close second.
Brodie's Family
We noticed Sit Happens was being recommended for dog training during the pandemic. Everyone was getting dogs and needed support with training. We also adopted a rescue after losing our other dog 3 years earlier. Brodie is the happiest dog you will ever meet. He also has 25lbs of reactivity. Brodie was living in a hotel and car, so he needed to adjust to being in a home. We walked him, fed him, and loved him. It became apparent to us after a summer visit to a winery that Brodie (became aggressive with the server) that we needed more help. I located the contact info for Sit Happens and reached out to them as we were driving back. We set an appointment for the following week for our 1st training session. Brodie was initially resistant to the Trainer, and we were eager to address the behavior that brought to us to Sit Happens. We followed the training instructions and continued with Sit Happens over the course of 3 months. Brodie is an everyday dog, which means everyday we had to be consistent with our follow through both for him and for us. Our goal was to decrease Brodie's reactivity in the car and in public. It has now been 6 months and we can take Brodie out to eat in public. Car rides through Starbucks are less stressful, and we can have people in our home without concern. We are grateful for Sit Happens and the time and patience that was put into helping us help Brodie.
Goose's Family
2-Time World Champion Ivan Balabanov said it best, “Dog training is a never-ending process of evolving!” There is no other company we’d rather evolve with than Sit Happens. It is because of Sit Happens, we’ve been able to work with our German Shepherd Mix (Goose) and turn him into our dream pup. Did we mention our puppy is 7.5 months old and knows more commands than the average dog? Let’s name a few of his favorites, “Here,” “Sit,” “Peek-a-Boo,” “Thank You,” “Leave it”, “Drop it”, “Kiss”, “Off”, “Down”, “Up”, and I mean the list goes on (but we’ll keep it short)! Did we mention he is only 7.5 months old (oh wait, we did)! At the end of the day, I think the best part (one of the best parts) and most bar raising call-out about Sit Happens, is their ability to adjust their training to meet the needs of the animal. It’s brilliant how they can shift their training techniques to adapt to the dog; the pup is engaged and enjoys to learn. This has left a lasting impression on us and Goose! We of course have to mention how available Sit Happens always is for us. Let’s be honest and get real for a moment, dog training is not easy on the pet parents (yes, we’ve had tears)! But with Sit Happens we always feel connected and have the ability to share (in real time) the hurdles we are experiencing; this allows us to continue customizing each session we have! There is never a dull moment here! Sit Happens has become a part of the family. I can’t imagine not having our weekly training sessions together. Whether we spend time focusing on new commands with the dog or understanding what we can do better as pet parents, we know we can rely on Sit Happens to get us through it all.
Harper's Family
I am so happy to have found Sit Happens and Tiara! I adopted my pup, Harper, when she was 9 months old, and this girl did not yet have the skills to do any commands or tricks, let alone walk on a leash. Week by week we met up with Tiara and it was always just amazing how much progress Harper and I both made. I walked away more and more confident with my ability to train my dog - something that I really appreciate. I love SitHappen’s style of training, and the fact that Tiara truly just adores my dog and cares about her well being. It was also clear that Tiara catered her training to our lifestyle, seeing as we are outdoors, often camping and hiking. I have, and will continue to recommend Sit Happens to all of my friends, neighbors, and randos on the street who are interested in training with their dogs.